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The Professional Cat Groomers Association has teamed up with IPG! to offer Cat Certification. 

 As with all IPG Certification, safety is the biggest concern! Cats should never be forced. This program teaches and certifies proven techniques to handle cats gently and get the job done safely and with a happy cat! 

 IPG Cat certification is Endorsed by the International Cat Association, Inc.

As always, IPG is here to provide support to our members and answer the tough questions! We will continue to provide updated information and annual continuing education for our members! This program is offered to professional groomers Around the World! 

Kim Raisanen launched her cat certification in 2008 when she saw the need for more education in handling cats safely and respectfully, and keeping the fun in cat grooming. Her handling techniques are proven and work! You can control cats without scruffing and muzzling to keep stress to a minimum for you and the cat!

You will be eligible to complete your practical testing on Zoom! with Kim Raisanen,CMCG, Linda Easton,ICMG and other International certifiers, such as Tessie Nooh-Skudder,ICMG, CMCG (our Asian Representative) evaluating and giving you tips! Don't miss this tremendous educational opportunity.

If you are a cat groomer -- or dog groomer who also grooms cats, this program is for you

IPG Cat Certification is a series of 3 Tracks. Each track gives you a stand-alone certification and prepares you for success in the next track. Successful practical tests are a score of 86% or above and written tests are 90% or better. You may achieve the highest certification level you desire. Each track price includes testing*, a resource manual and 1 – 2 training videos. As always, written tests are open book and will soon be on-line! (The tracks must be completed in order.)

TRACK 1. Certified Cat Groomer (CCG) $395.00 includes first year membership with IPG and PCGA

... is our stand-alone safety Certification for all professional groomers that groom cats. This program includes recognizing the healthy cat and diseases, cat behavior, handling, groomer safety, sanitation, first aid, safe bathing and drying, clipping safely, and much more. The “CCG” includes a written test and two practical tests: one bathing & drying test and one groom with a sanitary trim. Both tests may be done “live” or submitted by video.

TRACK 2. Advanced Cat Groomer (ACG) $310.00

…emphasizes advanced cat grooming skills, demonstrating clipper skills and safety and working with senior and special needs cats, with attention to matting. There is a written test and two practical tests: a senior cat and a matted cat with some clipping. Both can be done “live” or by video.

TRACK 3. International Certified Master Cat Groomer (ICMCG) $395.00

…emphasizes breed profile grooming, using advanced grooming techniques in 3 tests. This includes the Lion trim, one stylized trim and an extensive open book written test covering cat breeds and their specific grooming needs. Testing is based on cat breed information from TICA (the International Cat Association). Practical testing must be done live or by “Zoom-Live.”

ALL PRICES BELOW include shipping in the USA. 

 For Canada or other countries, please add shipping in lower boxes.

Tr 1. Certified Cat Groomer

Certifies groomers who safely bathe, dry and do light grooming on cats. includes IPG membership through December, resource manual, written test and 2 bonus DVDs

Tr 1. Certified Cat Groomer for IPG or PCGAA members

Certifies groomers who safely bathe, dry and do light grooming on cats. includes resource manual, written test and 2 bonus DVDs

Tr 2. Advanced Cat Groomer

This module includes a resource manual, workbook and videos. It covers more about cat behavior, anatomy, grooming techniques and special needs cats.  Groomers will demonstrate cat grooming skills, demonstrating clipper work.

Track 3 Master Cat Groomer

This track is to become a Master Cat Groomer.  It includes the resource manual and workbook, breed poster and videos.  Groomers will demonstrate advanced grooms and knowledge of cat breeds.

Save 10% and purchase all 3 tracks:  Certified Cat Groomer, Advanced Cat Groomer and Master Cat Groomer.  This package includes membership through December 2023.  (membership 50% off in this price also).  If you are outside the US, be sure to add additional shipping.

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